What is Keyword Research?

To determine keyword value, ask yourself some simple questions:
- Is the term relevant to what your website offers?
- Will the searcher who uses this term and finds your site be happy?
- Will the traffic from this keyword bring you financial reward?
- If the answer is yes then you are on the right track!
Long Tail keyword
While it is great to have 5,000 searches a day for your services, with single specific key words, the majority of the searches (in fact 70%) are long tail. Long tail targeted content is not for one particular search, but a large string designed to hit the vast thought process of a client. Because long tail keywords are more specific, the results they provide tend to be more specific to the searcher's quest than a single term.
"Website design for home builders" vs. "website"
"great branding campaigns for theatre events" vs. "branding"
There are many keyword generators and many professionals that can help you with these. Start with Google and go on from there.